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Search: salou
The British band The Brew return to Tarragona to present the album 'The Third Floor'
Tarragona. Salou. Costa Dorada. 22nd February 2012. The British hard-rock trio The Brew returns to Sala Zero of Tarragona on Saturday, March 3rd, 2012, to present their fourth studio album, 'The Third Floor', published in August 2011 by Jazzhaus Records. The Brew were already in Tarragona in February 2011 in a concert hall ...
This week the band get tickets for the concert of David Bustamante in Tarragona
Salou. Costa Dorada. Spanish singer who burst onto the music scene thanks to the television program "Operación Triunfo", David Bustamante, will perform on May 11 in Tarragona, particularly in the Auditorium Augusto, El Palau. The concert is framed in the tour to promote his latest work "Mío." Tickets will go on sale from ...
Basque journalists visiting the Costa Daurada
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. 22nd May 2012. Basque journalists have visited the Costa Daurada to see first hand the attractions of the area. The Tourism Council of Tarragona Province coordinated action within the framework of the media campaign that takes place in the city of Bilbao to promote the Costa Daurada in the Basque Co...
Calafell Cambrils, Salou and La Pineda Vilaseca promoted to 'Babies and Mama'
Salou. Costa Daurada. November 27, 2012. The four municipalities certified by the Catalan Tourism as a specialized family tourism destinations of the Gold Coast, have recently moved to Madrid to be present at the fair and Baby Mama, and jointly promote the product family as they did last year. In the same line as the previo...
The Costa Dorada is promoted in southern France
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. During April, the Provincial Tourism Office, along with nine municipalities of the Costa Dorada has conducted an advertising campaign in southern France. The hand of French tour operators have been made forfeit Flash actions to publicize the area, offers vacation packages in different media. With th...
XVI Ones Mediterraneas award
Salou. Costa Dorada. Mediterranean CIE held gala dinner and prize presentation of the XVI Mediterranean waves, which took place on June 4 at the Theatre Auditorium of Salou. The night is full of surprises, was amenitzada with acoustic music by Ruben Vizcaya and Roger Conesa and Abdelmajid Moutana special performance with hi...
El Molí dels Avis, Flash Bar, Les Espelmes and Caves Llopart, winners of Gastronia 2010
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. Felix Llovell. The restaurants The Moli dels Avis, The Flash Bar, Les Espelmes and Caves Llopart get the gastronomic awards this year have been awarded annually by the Association of gourmet Tarragona. The XIII Trophy gastronomic dinner was held on Friday 14 January 2011 at the Hotel Ciutat de Tarra...
The Museum of Modern Art in Tarragona brings art to schools
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. October 22nd, 2012. The Museum of Modern Art in Tarragona Province this weekend hosted the awards ceremony and the inauguration of the exhibition: Are you an artist ... and exposed to MAMT. Calendar 2013. The event was attended by representatives of many families and schools who participated in the ...
Easter in Tarragona. Procession and devotion in Heritage
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. Tarragona is ready to host the celebrations of Holy Week. The Procession of the Holy Wholly Good Friday and the presence of armed elements is one more highlights of the Semana Santa Tarragona. One year, the capital of demarcation is organized to welcome the public that comes from other municipalitie...
Tarragona, Salou and Vila-seca sell products in stock this weekend
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. The House of Tarragona has been the scene of the presentation of "Tarragona 70. Fira Fora Stocks", an initiative launched by the Corporation which has had a significant and broad sector support. So much so that 70 shops will take part in a unique initiative the next 5, 6 and 7 March in the city Ramb...
The municipalities of the Costa Dorada prepare its Plan of Action 2010 in Santander
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. The tourism boards of Cambrils, Reus, Salou and La Pineda Vila-Seca, have been put to work in the organization of its Action Plan 2010, specifically in the promotion that will take place next May in Santander . The promotion, which will include the co-operation with PortAventura, and as a novelty, a...
The Tourism Council of the Provincial Council at the fair is promoted Navartur of Navarre
Costa Daurada and Terres de l'Ebre. The Costa Dorada travel brands and Terres de l'Ebre have shown their attractiveness in this room, in its own stand of 120 square meters. During the days 19, 20 and 21 February, the public who has approached the space devoted to the tourist offer in the Tarragona region have been enjoying ...
Municipalities of the Costa Dorada join together to promote tehmselves at travel fair 2010
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. A total of 15 municipalities, represented by their trustees, mayors and tourism offices, two regional offices, the Provincial Tourism Office and the PortAventura signed this Tuesday, January 12 for the ninth consecutive year partnership agreement through which they are committed to join forces and p...
Tarragona: home of the 5th part of the Ciclying Tour finishing in Vinaròs
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. The Tour of Spain starts its journey on Thursday 3er Setember of 2009 through the Spanish territory, in a stage of 174 km that will connect the city of Tarragona with Vinaròs in the province of Castellon. This time, the Tour has started in the town of Assen Netherlands, this being the most internati...
Agentes de turismo rusos visitan la Costa Dorada de la mano de la Diputación
Prop de trenta professionals del turisme procedents de la xarxa d’oficines de l’operador turístic rus Vremia, han visitat la Costa Daurada amb l’objectiu de promoure-hi l’arribada de turistes russos. Els visitants russos han fet un viatge de familiarització per la Costa Daurada, entre els dies 9 i 13 de maig, organitzat pel...
Mestre Economistes abre oficina en Tarragona, aunque manteniendo la sede central en Salou
El despacho profesional Mestre Economistes ha abierto unas nuevas oficinas en la Rambla Nova de Tarragona con el objetivo de estar más cerca de los clientes. "En estos momentos, cuando es fundamental contar con el apoyo y el asesoramiento de los profesionales en economía, queremos estar más cerca de nuestros clientes para p...
Tarragona, candidata española a los XVIII Juegos del Mediterráneo de 2017
La asamblea del Comité Olímpico Español (COE) ha aprobado por unanimidad el proyecto de Tarragona como candidata única del Estado español a organizar los XVIII Juegos del Mediterráneo del año 2017, donde toman parte 21 países de la ribera del Mediterráneo. La candidatura de Tarragona ha dejado fuera la de Cartagena, que fin...
Tres Gracias de Reus y la procesión del Santo Entierro de Tarragona, centran la Semana Santa
Las dos principales ciudades del Camp de Tarragona, Reus y Tarragona, acaparan un intenso programa de Semana Santa, en el que destacan las Tres Gracias y la Procesión del Santo Entierro. Para conocer más sobre estas tradiciones y todo el detalle de los programas de la Semana Santa en est...
Popular trees plantation in the river Francolí this saturday
Tarragona. Salou. 1st March 2012. The Aurora Foundation and Fundación Repsol, organized on Saturday 3rd March 2012 a popular tree plantation at Francolí River. The planting will take place at Park Francolí dal. Advised to bring suitable footwear and the organizers will provide gloves and tools. Minors must be accompanied b...
PortAventura and Tourism Alliance participate jointly in FITUR 2013
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. January 30, 2013. The Alliance formed by the tourist towns of Cambrils, Tarragona, Salou and Vila-seca, again participated in FITUR tourism fair in conjunction with a meeting space PortAventura. This year, the main objective focuses on internationalization, prioritizing growth in the traditional mar...
Booking hotels
Roce: the most casual and “rogue” rice in Cambrils
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