La Pineda Playa
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Apartment, camping and other
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· Apartment, camping and other in Cambrils
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· Apartment, camping and other in Tarragona
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Beaches and nudist beaches
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· Beaches and nude beaches in Cambrils
· Beaches and nude beaches in Salou
· Beaches and nude beaches in Tarragona
· Beaches and nude beaches in other towns of Costa Dorada
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Mestre Economistes abre oficina en Tarragona, aunque manteniendo la sede central en Salou
El despacho profesional Mestre Economistes ha abierto unas nuevas oficinas en la Rambla Nova de Tarragona con el objetivo de estar más cerca de los clientes. "En estos momentos, cuando es fundamental contar con el apoyo y el asesoramiento de los profesionales en economía, queremos estar más cerca de nuestros clientes para p...
Tarragona se promociona como destino turístico en Amsterdam, Bruselas y Madrid
El Patronato Municipal de Turismo de Tarragona realizará este mes de mayo diversas acciones para promocionar turísticamente la ciudad. Concretamente, y como miembro del Grupo Ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad de España (GCPHE), participará el 12 de mayo en un workshop en Amsterdam; el día 14, hará otro en Bruselas y el 28...
Tarragona acogerá el undécimo Encuentro de Gigantes de Escuela de Cataluña
Una quincena de escuelas catalanas pasearán sus gigantes por las calless del centro de Tarragona con motivo del undécimo Encuentro de Gigantes de Escuela de Cataluña, que por primera vez se celebra en las comarcas tarraconenses. El acto, organizado por el colegio Santo Domingo de Guzmán de Tarragona, tendrá lugar el próximo...
Tarragona escogerá las 4 mejores tapas de la ciudad en 18 días y entre 30 establecimientos
La Mejor Tapa Profesional, la Tapa Más Creativa, la Tapa más Identitaria y la Mejor Tapa Popular quedarán escogidas en Tarragona por primera este año 2009 vez cuando finalice el 'dtapes', una iniciativa que han promovido conjuntamente la Cámara de Tarragona y la Asociación de Empresarios de Hostelería de la Provincia de Tar...
Tres Gracias de Reus y la procesión del Santo Entierro de Tarragona, centran la Semana Santa
Las dos principales ciudades del Camp de Tarragona, Reus y Tarragona, acaparan un intenso programa de Semana Santa, en el que destacan las Tres Gracias y la Procesión del Santo Entierro. Para conocer más sobre estas tradiciones y todo el detalle de los programas de la Semana Santa en est...
This April 15th opens the blue zone in Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. This Friday April 15th 2011 opens the blue area in Salou coinciding with the proximity of Easter and the need to provide a greater rotation of vehicles both in the center of town at certain points with greater influx of traffic. This first stage will last until the blue zone on 30 April and will not be ...
Zarzuela Chapí and children's shows this weekend at TAS
Salou. Costa Dorada. Next Sunday, 10 April 2011 at 20 am at the Teatro Auditorium in Salou will be performing Zarzuela "La fin de Revoltosa and parties' who wants to be a tribute to Chapí known composer of this great musical genre. The ticket can be purchased at the office of the City of Culture Salou and through Servi Box ...
Green light for the first phase for the development and improve the old town of Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. The mayor of Salou, Pere Granados Planning Councilman Marc Montagut different concessionaires have signed contracts to develop the administrative phase of the development project of the Old Town of Salou. It was also signed the contract with the company that developed the remodeling of the light source ...
Club Náutico Salou receives for the fifth consecutive time the Catalonia Silver Wing
Salou. Costa Dorada. Club Náutico Salou has been a major protagonists of the Night Sailing in Catalonia to take this past weekend in Barcelona. The club received for the fifth consecutive time the Platinum Sailing Catalonia. This award is established by the Catalan Sailing Federation and is awarded to recognize the work an...
The volume of tourists from Ukraine could double in a year
Salou. Tarragona. Costa Dorada. April 11th, 2012. The directors of the 130 best travel agents attending Natalie Tours of Ukraine, between now and Saturday, the First Congress Natalie Tours - Ukraine held in Spain. Provide valuable insight into the potential of the Gold Coast to its customers. Natalie Tours drink 70% of the ...
Students of the UEC approach to the restaurant Portofino in Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. November 21, 2012. The dozen students schooled in the Shared Education Unit (UEC) Salou tables today have changed from the center of Salou Athena for a cooking class at Portofino restaurant in the township. The students and the management team have spent an intense day away from the stove and have been ...
Salou works to get the Sports Tourism Destination for Soccer
Salou. Costa Dorada. 6th August 2012. Salou is working for the Sports Tourism Destination within the meaning of the meeting that took place in Salou Tourist Board with the Mayor, Pere Granados, Director of the Catalan Tourism, Xavier Espasa, the Town Tourism and President of Tourism of Salou and Benet Presas. Also participa...
Salou Tourism has attended more than 109,500 people the first 10 months of 2011
Salou. Costa Dorada. Salou Tourism offices have accumulated since the beginning of the year and up to 31 October 2011 a total of 109,543 visits (46 740 and 62 803 in the House Torremar and the Europe Square). These two offices belonging to the Network for Tourism in Catalonia have given up to 50,608 queries (22 319 and 28 2...
The Costa Dorada shows its attractions to 130 directors of travel agencies in Ukraine
Salou. Costa Dorada. 11th April 2012. The first annual congress of Natalie Tours Ukraine has started this morning with the presentation of the attractions of the Gold Coast to 130 directors of travel agencies that make up the contingent of people attending the meeting will end on Saturday, combining conference sessions trav...
The 'Trial Show 2012' brings all the excitement to Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. 20th July 2012. This Saturday will be held on July 21 '2012 Salou Show Trial ", a show trial areas" Indoors "to be carried out in the seat of the autonomous communities located in Paseo Jaime I of Salou. Albert Cabestany, the pilot will be known as the pilot star of this show sports. The public can enjo...
Open the registrations for the new edition Of the Triatló la Pineda Beach
La Pineda. Costa Daurada. La Secció de Muntanya de l'Agrupació Cultural de Vila-seca, in collaboration with the Councillorship of Sports of the Council of Vila-Seca and the Municipal Patronage of Tourism, has prepared the organisation of the VI edition of the Triatló Cross La Pineda Platja. The race will take place the Sund...
Tarragona revives the Three Tombs on Sunday
Tarragona. Costa Dorada. March 11, 2013. On Sunday 17 March 2013, will be the celebration of a historical traditional organized by the Farmers Association of Tarragona. At 9 am, will be located on the concentration of Tabacalera, and start to get the cars and trucks that transport the animals involved. This year parade for ...
Salou brings the world of puppetry for children
Salou. Costa Dorada. The Department of Children and Youth of the City of Salou in collaboration with the Xic's Club has organized a series of puppet shows for children in the family. The cycle is within the children's entertainment programming autumn 2010. The Councillor for Children and Youth, Julia Gomez, said that "we br...
The puppets of 'Cardboard Easel', at the TAS
Salou. Costa Dorada. Cardboard easel is a performance poetry for children younger. From actress revives memories of his childhood, when reading poetry had become a fun, yet beautiful, discovering the world around him. Under this premise, the company of Prince Totilau closer to the house several smaller stories. We'll see ho...
Salou is preparing for this festival with marzipan and the passage of terror
Salou. Costa Dorada. Salou begins this weekend, the bulk of the festival on 30 October 2011 with many events for the public and where all ages will have a place to enjoy the celebration. For the Club's Xic organized activities for children with the preparation of Panellot (the world's largest bun) on Monday, public holiday ...
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Roce: the most casual and “rogue” rice in Cambrils
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