La Pineda Playa
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Beaches and nudist beaches
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Apartment, camping and other
· Apartaments in Pineda Playa
· Serviced apartments elderly
· Camping in Pineda Playa
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· Summer camps near Pineda Playa
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· Apartment, camping and other in Cambrils
· Apartment, camping and other in Salou
· Apartment, camping and other in Tarragona
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Beaches and nudist beaches
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Search: estiu
Salou Capital of Catalan Culture: program of events
From March 2025 to February 2026, every month of the year will be a non-stop cultural event in Salou, the Capital of Catalan Culture. Concerts, plays, renowned artists, popular and traditional cultural activities, sports, art and gastronomy, as well as the reopening of museums and cultural spaces. Do you want to know more?
Major winter festival 2022 for all ages without the Coso Blanco
From February 1 to 7, Salou will celebrate its Winter Festival with various activities especially designed for the little ones, although the program has the notable absence of the Coso Blanco, since the majority of the participating groups decided to suspend it due to the COVID situation.
Investment of 3.2 million euros to improve streets and public spaces
L'Ajuntament de Salou realitzarà una important inversió, de fins a 3,2 milions d'euros, destinada a la millora dels carrers i espais públics. Per a això, s'ha dividit el municipi en set zones d'actuació, on es destinaran 2 ME i a partir de gener es destinaran 1,1 ME a la millora dels carrers del Terrer, Louis Braille i la zona del carrer Burguera. A més, s'ha tret a licitació el projecte de l'avinguda Carles Buigas, on es destinaran altres 3 ME.
Inaugurated the Nits Dauradas with the proclamation and the arrival of the popular bestiary
Inaugurated the Salou 2017 Golden Nights
with the opening and the festival party at the Passeig Jaume I in Salou. During this week, the
performances of folckore, magic and children's shows stand out.
But the strong plate will arrive on A
ugust 12 and 13 with the departure of the beast and the elements and human castles
. The acts of the Golden Nights will end on August 19th.
Miami Platja. Concert.
25 July 2012
Concert by the Coro Rociero Arena del Camino Choir. At 10 pm at the Pista d'Estiu. As part of the Sant Jaume Town Festival. Further informaion at
Vila-seca. Awards Lectura Estiu 2011.
29 September 2011
DATE: Thursday, September 29 EVENT: Closing and awards ceremony of the Summer Reading Program 2011 TIME: 17:30 LOCATION: Garden Library Vilaseca BY: Library of Vila-seca
Family movies: Harry Potter 2
02 July 2013 17:00
film series
Potter and the
Deathly Hallows
Part 2
5 pm
at the Cultural Center
Admission is free.
All summer activities in La Pineda Beach
We detail
art exhibitions
sports activities
will host
the Pine
wide and varied
range of
activities for
the family.
the main
of this great
beach on the Costa
Tourism Office of l'Hospitalet de l'Infant i La Vall de Llors
Cabra del Camp, Costa Dorada.
Tourism Office of l'Hospitalet de l'Infant i La Vall de Llors
Expands the range of sport events for summer in L'Hospitalet de l'Infant
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant. Costa Dorada. 14th June 2012. The Sports Department of the City of Vandellòs and Hospitalet de l'Infant has announced the 2012 summer sports on offer. Material that is published and the municipal website, you can see that has increased the number of planned activities, and other prices have been lo...
Now you can vote for the finalists works to choose the poster Nits Daurades 2009
The City Council of Salou has chosen the works Calor, Frijanitos, Lluna d’estiu, Nits, Reflejos, Salou y Mar, Retro y Viu la festa! as a finalist among the 40 posters that were eligible for the prize and be reproduced as an image representative of the feast of the Nits Daurades 2009. All those people who want to vote for th...
Un Sant Jordi repleto de actividades lúdicas y culturales en Reus y Tarragona
Entidades y asociaciones de todo tipo, públicas y privadas, organizan multitud de actividades lúdicas y culturales que, junto con las paradas de libros y rosas, contribuyen a crear un clima festivo muy especial con motivo de la celebración de Sant Jordi. Cada año millones de ciudadanos de todas las edades viven y disfrutan ...
En, por Sant Jordi, Terra dInstints, una novela de Marta Magrinyà
La diada de Sant Jordi, el 23 de abril, se vive en Catalunya como una fiesta cargada de simbolismos, de tradiciones y de valores ancestrales. El amor, el estallido de la primavera, la heroicidad del caballero que salva a la princesa o la leyenda del dragón derrotado de cuya sangre brota una rosa, junto con miles y miles de ...
New edition of Megaestiu and the ExtiuExtrem Vila-seca
Vila-seca. Costa Dorada. This year, the Youth Department of the Municipality of Vila-seca has launched two programs of activities for young people, known as "Megaestiu 2011" for children aged 3 to 12 years, and "ExtiuExtrem" for young people 13 to 16 years. From Monday the 11th and during the months of July and August, over...
Reus celebrates another year Estiu a la fresca
Reus. Costa Dorada. 29th June 2012. The Department of Culture and Youth, Joaquim Soria, presented the program of activities in the cycle Estiu a la fresca (Summer in the cool) 2012, including several musical and artistic events, from which highlights the Festival Reus Blues 2012. Until July 8th Reus will host the Reus Blue...
Programa d'actes del Carnaval de Reus 2012
Reus celebra un dels Carnavals més sonats de la Costa Daurada. La capital del Baix Camp presenta un programa d'actes molt atapeït, on destaca la rua del proper dissabte o l'Expoprofit, que es farà el dilluns 20, dia festiu arreu del país. Programa d'actes del Carnaval de Reus 2012 Dijous 9 de febrer - Inauguració de l'exp...
Reus celebrates the day of Our Virgen de Misericordia
Reus. Costa Dorada. The morning of 25 September will be dedicated to the Virgin of Misericordia with Mass at 7, at 8 and 9 in the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy. At 8 grallers groups in the city, the drummers of the Devil's Dance and Dance Reus Pere Joan Barceló roam the streets in honor of the Virgin. The day will be long and...
The Bank of Sange and la Caixa give away 5,000 tickets to Comocaixa to donors
Tarragona. Costa Daurada. Aquest estiu el Banc de Sang ha pogut subministrar i donar cobertura a la demanda de components sanguinis dels hospitals i clíniques de Catalunya amb perfecte normalitat. No obstant, el mes d’agost és un mes complicat per aconseguir sang en el nivell considerat òptim. Actualment ens movem en les 8....
Premios Repsol al arte efímero
Hasta el 23 de mayo está abierta la inscripción para participar en la quinta edición de los Premios Repsol dedicados al arte efímero. El objectivo es inundar las calles del núcleo antiguo (la Part Alta) de Tarragona con el mensaje de artistas que, con sus propuestas, reiventan el paisaje urbano y lo convierten en un museo a...
Booking hotels
Roce: the most casual and “rogue” rice in Cambrils
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