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La Pineda Playa / News / Gastronomy

Successful participation in the 36 th edition of the regatta cruise Roques

Cambrils. Costa Dorada. October 22nd, 2012. A total of 19 boats and 95 crew members took part in the regatta cruise Roques, now in its 36 th edition and was marked by rain and strong wind. However, the competition took place without incident and the boats were able to make a total of 3 races in the regatta with more participation of southern Catalonia. The bad weather conditions that were experienced during the day on Saturday, marked by heavy seas and strong winds, forcing the organization to change the circuit originally planned to move it to a more sheltered area. Thus, the participants, rather than making the trip back and forth to the light of Tortosa were CNCB to Cap Salou twice. Saturday night, all sailors and guests enjoyed a dinner held at the Yacht Club restaurant. second day The event took place on Sunday quite calm and the sailors were able to make the circuit barlovent-Lee, as planned. On arrival was made the award ceremony of the hand of the President of CNCB, Joaquim Oliva, who also participated in the race and sports director, Tete Sabaté. The overall winners of the regatta Roques were firstly the boat myriapods, Mr. Luis Romeu from Barcelona RCN. Second place went to Arosa X, manned by mr. Fernando Garcia CN Hospitalet. Modark crew closed the podium with mr. Francisco Javier Garcia at the helm, the RCN Castro Urdiales.

Tags: costa dorada, cambrils, restaurants and tapas, food fairs, gastronomic, wine culture
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