Begin operating the new officers of La Pineda beach and the electronic Town Hall
La Pineda. Costa Dorada. 4th July 2012. It came into operation on the beach of Pineda a new service: police beach, which runs through September 30. Monday to Sunday and from 10 am to 7 pm, the three new police patrol on the beach will be permanently on the beach in La Pineda. With the start-up of this service is traditional in the municipality, the municipality of Vila-seca offers several improvements in surveillance and information services to beach users. The costume looks ID to the local police and consists of shorts, official jersey summer, sports shoes and canvas hat. In constant contact with the central post of the local police and the Red Cross, are the basic functions are: Review of temporary permits, beach service and control spaces allowed. Crime prevention and control of street vending. Control of beach games and motor boats. Information on the status of the sand and water from the beach, warning of possible incidents. Report on the activities of the municipality and to serve beach users. Collaborate permanently with the Red Cross services. Electronic Town Hall From Monday 2 July, the city of Vila-seca has launched the electronic, telematic space that allows all citizens to access various services, data and procedures that the City Council of Vila-seca offers available to everyone. With the launch of the electronic, the City intends to take a further step in offering the highest possible municipal information and their desire proximity to citizens and society in general. Coordinated by the Department of New Technologies, the municipality of Vila-seca full of April 27 it was unanimously approved its creation, the regulations governing use and operation. Now, once the administrative process, it can become operational with the subdomain In the Electronic Town Hall of Vila-seca published, among others: • A description of the administrative processes of different procedures. • The contractor's profile. • municipal ordinances. • The notice board. • Documentation of the planning of the municipality of Vila-seca. • The catalog of interoperable data and documents. • The public offer of employment. • Subsidies. • The municipal organization. • The acts and decisions of government. • The municipal budgets. • The tax ordinances.
Etiquetas: costa dorada,
la pineda,
sale fairs,
shopping centres