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La Pineda Playa / News / Shopping and Market

Salou seeks new investors in Catalonia-Russia Business Forum

Salou seeks new investors in Catalonia-Russia Business Forum

Salou. Costa Dorada. October 12th, 2012. The last meeting of the Economic and business Salou (CAEE) served to the table on issues of major industry of the town: tourism. In this sense, the mayor, Pere Granados, has announced the next action to be undertaken by the municipality of Tourism with the presence in Catalonia Russia Business Forum to be held in Moscow from 31 October to 2 November. Will be three days of presentation of Catalan companies interested in selling to Russia, Russian attract investment in the town apart from looking at the face to face presentations (business to business) closing agreements between the two countries. In this regard, a delegation headed by the municipality, along with the Mayor and the Councillor for Tourism and carry out a technical presentation of the municipality emphasizing that Salou is a village that has been able to create a product solid and compact around their main supply of sun and sand, and has begun the journey to becoming a destination more specialized and integrated with the development and implementation of various plans for various projects. Within this forum, as explained by the mayor on the table will increase the proposed hotel, shopping, sports and service area Barenys, the civic as a major avenue "boulevard" of 2 kilometers, the new marina at La Pedrera, and the investment of the Barcelona World with 6 themed hotels. Seeded by "we, as an institution, we are looking to attract new investors who see the future that our municipality, city projects and leadership we have achieved in markets such as Russia. We think it's a great opportunity to bet on the transformation of Salou in mind that the Russian market is emerging in our country. " But beyond this point, the CAEE also exposed other issues affecting the business making an assessment of the tourist season as well as the forecast for next season, especially with the growth of the Russian market and the British -, the introduction of new retail space along the Road of Cavet, or the Barcelona World, in this sense, the mayor announced that in about a month will be a special board that will include representatives of CAEE company Veremonte to explain firsthand the macro tourism. The meeting was presided over by the mayor who was accompanied to the table by the Councillor for Citizen Participation, Ma Jose Rodriguez, Tourism, Benet Presas, and Trade and Economic Development, Reyes Pino.

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