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La Pineda Playa / News / Salou

The 5G Area of ​​Camp de Tarragona includes Salou

Salou will be a 5G municipality

Salou. Costa Dorada. 24 November 2020. The 5G Strategy of the Generalitat de Catalunya, aimed at promoting this technology in Catalonia, includes the creation of various 5G areas. One of them will be that of Camp de Tarragona and will include Salou, so that the municipality will benefit from the projects and activities that will be carried out to develop new value-added digital products and services around 5G. 

The nerve center of the 5G Camp de Tarragona Area will be located in the Sescelades campus of the Rovira y Virgili University, where activities and training actions will be developed with interested stakeholders. It will also be where companies and different agents in the territory can access a 5G laboratory open to test digital products and services. 

On the same campus, the URV Foundation will provide the Technology Transfer Center to hold workshops and sessions for students and companies, both in terms of 5G and smart connectivity as well as its application in the most important productive sectors in the territory. The objective of the project is to promote a series of strategic sectors for the whole of Camp de Tarragona such as tourism, the port, industry 4.0, with a special impact on the petrochemical industry, and, finally, the area of ​​cities smart. 

In this sense, the mayor of Salou, Pere Granados, explained that "we are fully immersed in an important process of technological change, a revolution that should allow us to advance, together, towards the future, with the commitment of the main agents of the territory, giving a boost that is currently vital for the economy. " 

Granados attended the official presentation of the 5G Area in person, by the Minister of the Department of Digital Policies and Public Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Jordi Puigneró. Also present were the rector of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV), María José Figueras; the president of the Tarragona Provincial Council, Noemí Llauradó; the mayor of Tarragona, Pau Ricomà; and the mayor of Reus, Carles Pellicer, among other authorities; Eduard Martín, CEO and Director of 5G of Mobile World Capital Barcelona; and Rosa Paradell, Director of Innovation and Business Development for the public sector of the I2CAT 

Foundation. In the 5G area project, the Government of the Generalitat contributes one million euros for the period 2021-2023, with the aim of making the territory a digital innovation laboratory that allows municipalities to generate talent and attract business projects, in addition of having European funds, which in the coming years will be destined to two main themes: climate change and digital transformation.

Tags: salou, costa dorada, smart city, 5g
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