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Councils of Camps and Terres de l'Ebre organize conference on international tourism and landscape

Councils of Camps and Terres de l'Ebre organize conference on international tourism and landscape

Riudecanyes. Terres de l'Ebre. The small towns of the interior of Municipality Association, Tourism and Landscape, have held the act of formal constitution of the Network SOLC on December 9 in Room Santiago Costa of the Palacio de la Diputación de Tarragona. The Mayor of Riudecanyes Josep Maria Tost and 14 mayors of towns and Mayor of Tarragona and Terres de l'Ebre have signed the Founding Act that paved the way for this union of local authorities. Representatives of the municipalities have chosen as president Josep Maria Tost and Bernard Pellisas (Mayor of Rasquera) and Mateu Montserrat (Mayor of Santa Maria del Plan) as vice presidents. The Association of Municipalities has strategies and joint actions to promote sustainable tourism development within the province of Tarragona. One of the most important activities in today's regular meeting approved by Network members Furrow is organizing a conference on international tourism and landscape in October 2010. An event with which intend to invite international experts and European experiences of exploitation of the landscape as a key element of sustainable tourism. Network Furrow cited as examples of success to consider the Italian Tuscany and Provence, among others.   

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