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La Pineda Playa / News / Guide

About 150 students participate in the training program for high school students pioneered

About 150 students participate in the training program for high school students pioneered

Salou. Costa Dorada. The commercial director of Port Aventura, Budzaku Betim, has starred in the closing ceremony of the training program for high school students in the College of Commerce Costa (ESCC), the first academic year 2009/10. Betim has made the keynote lecture was entitled: "The open trade bets offer a comprehensive global marketplace." Budzaku pointed out that "the secret of Port Aventura is based on the triplet of innovation, surprise and emotion." According to the theme park business manager, "these three main hubs of our commercial action allow us to record an annual volume of four million visitors, a figure which we expect to increase by two billion more in the coming years." During the ceremony, the nearly 150 students participating in the training program for high school students in the ESCC received his diploma of accreditation by the hand of Pere Granados, Salou mayor, Pedro Lavilla, Councillor of Commerce, Jesus A. Marble, director of the ESCC and Montse Vallès, director of IES Jaume I Salou. The mayor has emphasized that this type of training "can join forces to provide skills to young people on an important economic sector in our city as the commercial" and added that "the City Council is involved in all those policies aimed at training of young people on issues that guide them to become future entrepreneurs. " Pilot Course The program has been developed in this first academic year 2009/10 as a pioneer in teaching action cycle "Trade and Entrepreneurship" IES Jaume I Salou. The success of the training program, which brings continuity to the offer of a cycle of trade for high school students for two years and did not take place in Salou on lack of demand, will continue in a second edition and news from next year 2010/11 academic. The aim of the College of Commerce Costa in developing specific training programs for high school student groups is to create bridges of understanding between the secondary and higher education, in order to reassess the career of the entrepreneur and management of the sector commercial and service to new generations of coastal municipalities. In the closing ceremony of the training program for high school students in the College of Commerce Costa (ESCC) were present various sectors of society, as the delegate of the Confederation of Commerce of Catalonia in Tarragona, Sergio Albarran, the manager of the CEPTA, Xavier Borrell and the area manager of the Fund in Salou, Rafael Bel.

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