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La Pineda Playa / News / Gastronomy

Contest for young chefs from Cambrils ,From the sea to the hotplates, heats up

Cambrils. Costa Dorada. It has opened the Contest for Young Chefs From Sea to the plate. The Contenders in the department can make the inscription at the Promotion office of the City before the 4th of February. Inside the galley of the Symposium, which this year at its sixth edition, this takes place that is aiming to take a concurso prompting youth CHEFS. The requirements for having to show it dieciséis and between six and twenty years and was estudiante kitchenware and restoration in teachings reconocidos by the Education Department of the Generalitat of Cataluña be or having been, in some restaurant kitchens ayudante Cambrils . Los candidatos, at the time of the inscription, should provide a curriculum and an original recipe that the main sea ingrediente the galley. This, you must itemize the ingredients, the full and the material necessary for its preparation. The proportions are to be provided must be calculated for six and a middle portion integral. The time of preparation with the youth to tell CHEFS realizarla for 2 hours and will only pull dispondrán of the ingredients that detailed the time of inscription. Of all the recipes presentadas, is only 10 semifinalistas choose who will prepare their recipes on 19 February. That same day, competent and a jury selected for the Department of Promotion of Town Hall Cambrils select two finalistas. The Definitive Ganador will also discover in the gala closing of the Symposium and will receive, Hands of a recognized chef, a commemorative plaque of the event.  

Tags: costa dorada, cambrils, restaurants and tapas, food fairs, gastronomic, wine culture
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