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La Pineda Playa / News / Culture

On sale tickets for the charity concert of gospel in Hospitalet

On sale tickets for the charity concert of gospel in Hospitalet

Hospitalet de l'Infant. Costa Dorada. Those interested in attending the concert "Gospel of solidarity for the Horn of Africa" which will take place on Sunday 12 February 2012, at 6pm in the Auditorium of Hospitalet can now buy their tickets at the same audience. Tickets cost $ 10. This is an event organized by the NGO Oxfam, in collaboration with the City of Vandellòs Hospitalet de l'Infant, which will be borne by the Gospel Choir of Grace. This coral Barcelona is currently made up about eighty singers divided into four strings and voices: sopranos, altos, tenors and basses, and directed by Karolin Greenacre. The money raised with this benefit concert will go to the Horn of Africa, a region where bad policies, lack of water and food have increased at an alarming rates of malnutrition, emergency levels never seen before, according said the head of external relations for Oxfam in Tarragona, Albert Lanceta. This is not the first time Vandellòs Hospitalet de l'Infant help the Horn of Africa. Last year, the Festival Committee of Hospitalet raised money for the same region at the Festival of San Roque, by selling shirts and hats with the slogan "SOS Africa," the placement of piggy banks , and also of all donations and profits from the bar. On that occasion, they got together over 3,000.

Tags: costa dorada, tarragona, museums, literary awards, theaters, concerts, music, festivals
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