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La Pineda Playa / News / Beaches

The City Council of Salou extends the areas of Salou Wifi Connect

Salou. Costa Dorada. City Council Salou offers an Internet connection to citizens, incorporating new areas of coverage using WiFi wireless technology.   The new spaces are located within the corporate building itself, in meeting rooms, press room, chamber, training room, and also includes several areas of the town hall as the reception, lounge and own pools including the landscaped area. At this stage, this technology also has been equipped with all the Civic Center and some areas of the building of local police, enabling, from any device that supports WiFi technology can be accessed on the Internet. Thus, a user from your WiFi device (laptop, mobile Smartphone, iPhone, PDA, etc.). SALOU detect the wireless network connect, receive a page that captivates the rental terms of use and allow access to the Internet. This is not an unlimited access because the system does not allow some connection services such as P2P, POP3, SNMP and limited time il'ample-band connection to each user. Likewise, the system includes a web content filtering visited.   SALOU Connect continues to grow and spread by close areas Wifi projected municipal territory associated with public buildings such as Villa Torrent, Magic Dolphin, Beach Police Office, Tourist Office Plaza Europe, new Education Center, etc. .. The forecast points in November and December 2010.  

Tags: costa dorada, salou, nude beaches, beaches with beach bar, beach activities, water sports, services beaches, beaches with playgrounds, hotels near the beach, restaurants on the beach, eat at the beach, beach parties
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