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La Pineda Playa / News / Beaches

The Blue Flag waves at three beaches in Vandellòs Hospitalet de l'Infant

The Blue Flag waves at three beaches in Vandellòs Hospitalet de l'Infant

Vandellòs. Costa Dorada. Mayor Vandellòs Hospitalet de l'Infant, Alfonso Garcia, accompanied by the Councillor for Tourism, Alex laurustinus and other municipal leaders have flown on Sunday 19 June 2011 blue flags on the beaches of Punta del Río Arenal and Time. These beaches have returned this year to get this award granted by the Association of Environmental and Consumer Education (eco). This is a prestigious international award that recognizes the quality of beaches and certifies that they meet certain criteria of legality, accessibility, health, cleanliness and safety, as well as information and have a proper environmental management. 'It's an award as a result of the work has been carried out to meet increasingly demanding requirements, we are delighted, "said Councillor Alex laurustinus, expressing the will of the City to achieve most blue. The marina has also succeeded in Hospitalet year the blue flag. For marinas, this award recognizes the services provided and the actions performed to ensure the environmental quality of the sea and its natural environment. The official ceremony of hoisting of the flag, will be held Saturday 16 July at 19.30, as part of the celebration of the Virgen del Carmen, according to the Yacht Club-Vandellòs Hospitalet.  

Tags: costa dorada, vandellòs, nude beaches, beaches with beach bar, beach activities, water sports, services beaches, beaches with playgrounds, hotels near the beach, restaurants on the beach, eat at the beach, beach parties
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