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La Pineda Playa / News / Art

The TV3 Marathon poverty in Reus and from our perspective

The TV3 Marathon poverty in Reus and from our perspective

  Reus was very involved in the TV3 Marathon during the week of 23 to 27 May. The marathon was focused on this occasion in the fight against poverty with the slogan 'Let no one is left out of the game.   Throughout the week, were conducted more than twenty activities for all tastes and all ages. Among others we mention reading stories for children that was in the Library Wednesday 23 Xavier Amoros or dancing for the elderly which was Sunday 27 at Municipal House for the Elderly.   In the factory, Ariel Santamaria gave a monologue on Saturday 26 inspired the old story of vermouth of Reus. But in addition there were inflatables for children, a workshop on handmade bracelets, body painting art, tasting noodles, hot chocolate ...   And finally, Sunday 27, the day center during the race against poverty, there was in Reus a deployment. Among others, all with the aim of combating poverty, held the Charles Ferdinand III cycling race, a popular walk, a sardine, a flashmob of the song 'Offside' of the school of Dance Marathon Basic Reus Wences Sanchez and singer with the participation of the Mayor of Reus, Carlos Pellicer. Wences Sanchez Da Same, in the afternoon and played live by TV3 song 'Offside', accompanied by some of his most diehard fans. Not everything that happened, but here are some things that were living in Reus because of the Marathon Against Poverty. You can see more detail in the video where you explain what happened from our perspective.      

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