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La Pineda Playa / News / Art

Tomorrow begins Santa Tecla in Tarragona

Tomorrow begins Santa Tecla in Tarragona

Tarragona. Costa Dorada. On September 15 at 7 pm begins officially the Festa Mjor of Tarragona with the Crida in the Town Hall Auditorium. On this occasion there will be a tribute, among others, to the Perpetuadors, Salvador Fa Llimiana ago, posthumously, and Carles Llorach Fortuny in recognition of their extensive career in front of two reference entities in the field of popular and traditional culture in Tarragona, l'Esbart Esbart Dansaire i Santa Tecla. At approximately 7:30pm and from the balcony of the City Hall, the mayor Josep Fèlix Ballesteros will give the crida of Viva Santa Tecla and set fire to the flame that will usher in the first Tronada that will flood the Plaça de la Font. The Tronadas will be repeated at 8pm in the Rambla de Bonavista, pl. San Pere de Cuba and San Pau, in the Plaza de la Iglesia de Sant Salvador and Torreforta Civic Center. The Festa Major presents a multitude of activities. On the 15 and in the Plaça de la Font there will be the exhibition "Memories of castellers”, by Mary Andrews, while in the former Audiencia, pl. the Pallol 3, The collective El Dispositivo presents a model of an "ideal sculpture" resulting from the contributions of Tarragona´s inhabitants. Further into the night, the proposals are multiplying, with a hypnosis show at the Theate Metropol at 21:3, a show of Rock and other genres with bands from the region at 10:30pm on the Passeig de les Palmeres or M -Clan live at 23pm at the Plaça de la Font. All programing in Day to Day.

Tags: costa dorada, llorac, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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