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La Pineda Playa / News / Art

'Spring alters trade', the new campaign to attract buyers in Salou

'Spring alters trade', the new campaign to attract buyers in Salou

Salou. Costa Dorada. 13th April 2012. The Association of Merchants and Entrepreneurs Salou 365 days with the Department of Commerce, Markets and Economic Development and the collaboration of the Department of Public Health and Environmental Quality initiated an by next May, the month of flowers, campaign "Spring trade alters." This campaign combines the thematic windows of the shops that want to participate and take that as a reason the spring, as the only category of the competition with the aim of stimulating and highlight the commercial potential of the municipality. Basically, as explained by the Councillor of Commerce, Reyes Pino, is to "create a warmth among the shops, which encouraged to decorate their establishments and thus give a more spring seeking the involvement of the buyer" noted. "We want to highlight the creativity of our dealers and their artistic ability." Regarding the first prize will be worth 500 euros, 400 euros in the second and a third worth 300 euros. The jury will consider the theme, handling, assembly, use of products of the establishment, lighting and originality. The duration of the contest will be from 1 to 31 May and shops in Salou those that want to join must notify the Department of Commerce, pointing to the name of the establishment, address and telephone before 27 April. It will also be required to collect the participant sign-up, which gives the Department of Commerce and placed it in a visible place on the sideboard. The bases also determined that during the contest may be changed or amended articles of the window, but always maintained the basic structure and the jury will visit the property every day as you need, without notice, during second week of May. For its part the establishments in the Shopkeepers give to their customers for a plant to make every purchase during the first week of May.

Tags: costa dorada, mont-ral, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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