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La Pineda Playa / News / Art

Signing of main points of interest in Cambrils

Cambrils. Costa Dorada. City Council Cambrils has undertaken a project, signaling the main points of interest of the municipality. These 57 signals that want to distinguish the elements of quality differential compared to other destinations in our cultural value, historical and architectural tradition. Have wanted to highlight those sites, which are both known, as they are not, and have historical value to be preserved and known as the "house no. 1 C / Hospital was a building that hosted the Spanish Cinema after the Civil War, thus unifying and giving a whole picture of the town as there are signs all over the place, both in urban areas or not. With a budget of more than 60,000 € and thanks to the grant of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Ministry of Tourism, were placed 57 signs, with explanatory texts in three languages: Catalan, Spanish and English. which is complemented by French, German, Netherlands and the Russian website. The signs are made in court and have a plate of aluminum with the information that is each site. The uniqueness of the project is the numbering of all the totems that will subsequently drafting tourist routes so that everyone can make their own paths. The sites are ordered by themes: or Singular Buildings Churches or or Sculptures or museum singular or trees or natural areas Buildings or preindustrial or areas of civil war towers and lighthouses The project has two phases clearly identified, and a first, has been the placement of signs, the second and no less important will be informative and promotional efforts through other media such as a brochure in paper version and a web which is already working very powerful, which will identify all sites in a virtual map, view photos, hear the explanations of phrases, etc.. The project will be completed with the installation of signals at a fishing port, on the catwalk, with information about fishing gear.  

Tags: costa dorada, cambrils, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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