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La Pineda Playa / News / Art

Salou beach police station opens in coordination with the Autonomous Police

Salou beach police station opens in coordination with the Autonomous Police

Salou. Costa Dorada. The mayor of Salou, Pere Granados, along with Chief of Police, Jose Luis Gargallo, and the police chief of the Autonomous Police Edward Blanch gave the starting signal to the police service beach located Playa de Levante. This facility opened in 2010, but already seven years running, is located in Passeig Jaume I, next to bus station and has an uninterrupted attention from ten in the morning until eight in the evening Monday to Sunday. Only last year in the 4 months of operation of the service they attend more than 4,000 consultations between complaints, health services, information ... "This is a local service that tries to meet the needs of safety and prevention in this area thousands of visitors and citizens who are concentrated in this area during the summer months," said the mayor, Pedro Granados, who said that the police is a necessary service in an area, the beach and Paseo, where summer is a high concentration of visitors who come to enjoy this frame "and added that" represents a new tool for decentralization and local services with operations in case of security, which is installed where it really necessary to provide quality service and proximity. "   Meanwhile, the head of the local police, Jose Luis Gargallo, wanted to emphasize "the great coordination that involves the sharing of the facility focusing on the collaboration between the two bodies in their respective powers and functions . A new feature this year is investing in technology that has already sent the optical fiber, enabling improved connectivity of the equipment of the police, thereby giving a faster response to citizens and making the wait shorter.   A lot of the services demanded at this point is the identification of children with bracelets, so that the children who visit the beaches are controlled and have a contact number in case of loss. Precisely from this police also control the PA services to the beaches of East and West that can transmit all kinds of warnings to swimmers.

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