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La Pineda Playa / News / Art

Nautic Salou leading the ranking of Catalan Optimist

Nautic Salou leading the ranking of Catalan Optimist

Salou. Costa Dorada. The Yacht Club sailors Salou eventually lead all the 2011 rankings of the categories involved. This fact, unusual, strengthens the position of the sailors at the Catalan club, and ranks as the most regular season. Therefore, the rankings in November of the Optimist and Laser classes are all led by representatives of the Yacht Salou. If you look at these checklists prepared each month the Catalan Sailing Federation, found that in Optimist, Group 1, with a total of 70 sailors, sisters Carla and Martha Munte, hold the first and second place respectively. The Optimist Group 2, the ranking is also headed by Juan Alba, Jofré Ariadne with the fourth. Both have already reached the ascent to Group 1. In the Laser class, the domain throughout the season have kept the sailors of Salou is also reflected in the ranking of the Federation. Thus, Ignacio Lopez's first STD Laser and Sergi Barenys fourth, in Laser Radial, Gaston Cruz and Kevin Vallverdú occupy the top two positions, while the Laser 4.7, Bosco Pujol and Albert Guillen are the first and third positions. The sailors of Salou dominate the Grand Prix of Andorra Again, the Optimist and the Laser Sailing Salou occupied the positions of the Grand Prix podium of Andorra, a race that year to year, reaching more and more prestige, Optimist with Marta Munte was the first overall and first classified in category C. Meanwhile, her sister Carla, won first place in the category and fourth overall, while Juan Alba was second Group 2. In Laser 4.7, Cristina García was absolute and female champions of the Grand Prix of Andorra Meanwhile, the coach of the Boat Salou Flor Cerutti, participated in Laser Radial and finished first overall and the women, followed by another salouenc, Borja Mas, who was second overall and first youth.

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