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La Pineda Playa / News / Art

The Museum of Modern Art hosts the book by Andrea Riccardi

The Museum of Modern Art hosts the book by Andrea Riccardi

Tarragona. Costa Dorada. The Museum of Modern Art Tarragona Provincial Council hosted the 26th October 2011 evening the presentation of the book by Andrea Riccardi "John Paul II. The Biography. " The event was attended by the President of the Province of Tarragona, Josep Poblet, the Archbishop of the city, James Hill, Father Armand Puig, the Community of Sant'Egidio, and the editorial board of the Journal of Tarragona, Antonio Coll. The work of Riccardi, who learn about the pontiff, it is the first biography written on a scientific basis and testimonial of Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla). Protagonist on the world scene of the twentieth century, John Paul II was pope from 1978 to 2005. During the presentation of the book at the Museum of Modern Art, Father Armand Puig explained that Andrea Riccardi followed closely the 27 pontificate of Karol Wojtyla, whom he cultivated a great friendship. "The author and the Pope had a similar life journey and many points in common," he said, "and this gives a very complete work, which has added value." Likewise, Father Armand emphasized "human and spiritual breadth" of Pope John Paul II, whom he described as "a prophet of our time." In turn, the Editorial Board of Journal of Tarragona, Antoni Coll, spoke from his experience in the media, reflecting on the role that Pope John Paul II has had on the world stage. In this regard, he referred to Pope as a "groundbreaking and progressive traditions of" the facts that became news on countless occasions. In turn, President of the Province of Tarragona, Josep Poblet, spoke of the influence and involvement that John Paul II had in the world and its transcendence. Poblet, Karol Wojtyla was defined as "the most charismatic pope in recent times", he identified three key factors in the transmission of his thought: "God, humanity and the nation." He also recalled that "was one of the popes more modifications made in the organization of the Church in modern times. Finally, the President of the Council referred to Andrea Riccardi as an author "who was and is critical of the Church and contemporary society." The Archbishop of Tarragona, James Hill, closed the event by providing their personal experience with Karol Wojtyla, a pope known for its "closeness and spontaneity," he said. The Archbishop also reflected on the book by Riccardi, while stating that it is "a mature work" that helps us to know the life and thought of John Paul II, "a figure of exceptional greatness." The author Andrea Riccardi (Rome 1950) is Professor of Modern History at the Third University of Rome and founder of the Community of St. Egidio. Among his numerous works translated include: The power of the Pope (PPC 1997), San Egidio, Rome and the world (New Town 1999), The Century of the martyrs (Plaza & Janés 2001), and We live (RBA 2007).

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