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Information campaign and prevention of distractions while driving at the Costa Dorada

Information campaign and prevention of distractions while driving at the Costa Dorada

Salou. Costa Dorada. 7th March 2012. TISPOL, set of traffic police in Europe, is a non-governmental organization which includes 27 countries, almost all of the EU plus Norway and Sweden to cooperate actively with the European Commission. Spain participates through the so-called: Traffic Group of the Guardia Civil (ATGC), although the Catalan police also actively collaborate. The information campaign begun in prevention of distractions while driving and to respect the traffic lights while driving, is coordinated by the Catalan Traffic Service and will be in Salou with the participation of the Autonomous Police and local police, however, accompanied of statistical work to analyze the results in Catalonia. Marc Alarcón, councilor of Public Safety, Civil Protection and Mobility, noted that "one in four traffic accidents in Europe is due to a distraction while driving is very important and awareness campaigns against drivers. The purpose of TISPOL is that European police forces work together and exchange good practices, basic situation as in a globalized world agents need access from their computing devices to all the information about drivers and vehicles in any EU country and city , thus reinforcing security. " The objectives of TISPOL, developed and published every day on our roads the Catalan police, Civil Guard and local police are: Reduce the number of deaths and injuries on Europe's roads from an integrated approach in areas strategic, tactical and operational. Campaigns to organize and coordinate pan-European operations. Promoting effective road safety education and selective. Initiate and support research on road safety. Create a coordinated review and informed police about road safety issues. The campaign intensified from 12 to 18 March in the areas of greatest impact on driving and several time zones covering the campaign.

Tags: costa dorada, salou, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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