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La Pineda Playa / News / Art

The Cooperative of Cambrils presents Mestral, its new extra virgin olive oil

The Cooperative of Cambrils presents Mestral, its new extra virgin olive oil

Cambrils. Costa Dorada. The Cooperative Cambrils society has presented this June 9th 2011 at its new extra virgin olive oil: Mestral. A new range of products complete with olives and pates of red wine vinegar variety of Grenache. The event was attended by the prestigious chef Carme Ruscalleda, habitual user of the products of the Cooperative Cambrils when preparing their famous dishes. The new range Mistral is a commitment of about 400 growers cooperative Cambrils who wanted to provide added value to their products. Specifically, in this case, customers can find items from which olive oil and all its facilities through a new process traceability. One of the secrets, as we explained Ferdinand Sarasa, CEO of the Cooperative "is that the olives are molturades the same day and in this process are used exclusively with mechanical means scrupulous controls. The Cooperative Cambrils cultivates more than 150,000 olive trees of the variety Arbequina olives, the main indigenous variety of the appellation of origin Ciurana, was founded in 1902 and has been very influential in helping to position the town as a gourmet destination Catalonia and the rest of the state. The new oil, Mistral has a profile intense olive fruity, with notes reminiscent of ripe fruit. We also receive notes of apple, ripe banana and almond notes are green and leafy green aromas of fennel and new green side. On the palate, sweet almond, slightly bitter and somewhat spicy but very balanced. From Cambrils to the Eiffel Tower The Cooperative Cambrils allocates 18% of its production exported. Besides the main countries of the European Union, Cambrils oils can be found in the United States and Japan. In France, places like Galeries Lafayette, the restaurant Le Roland-Garros and the Jules Verne restaurant on the Eiffel Tower offer their products. Spanish olive oil Award The effort of producers to improve the product year after year has been rewarded with outstanding achievement awards. On two occasions, was winner of the Best Award aceite de España (2006 and 2008) awarded by the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, as well as other awards in Los Angeles County Fair, Salon International de Paris, Terraolivo (Israel) and Expoliva (Jaén). The presentation of this new product has made the hotel Majestic Barcelona and attended by nearly 250 representatives of the sectors of catering, hospitality and distribution.  

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