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La Pineda Playa / News / Art

Cambrils home tomorrow July 20th a fashion and television casting for young people from 14 years

Cambrils home tomorrow July 20th a fashion and television casting for young people from 14 years

Cambrils. Costa Dorada. Monday morning, July 20th of 2009, Cambrils event hosted by the World Fashion Faces 2009 (WFF), a fashion and television casting for young people from 14 years to be held in the Parc del Pescador from 20 h. In the casting will have broad public participation through various promotions activities of Tourism Cambrils and the UniĆ³ de Botiguers of Cambrils to be developed both in the village who accompanies each promotional casting as on stage. This event is part of a set of 12 castings that the MSM Magda Simo Models organize this summer and the next day until September 3rd of 2009 in Catalonia. It is open to all young people aged over 14 who have Spanish nationality or residence. Minors must present a day of casting approval of parent or guardian of their participation in the selection, with ID and permission to take pictures of minors and their subsequent diffusion in media or web. To take part in the selection must be a formal pre-registration through the web hosting company or the same day in the place of casting an hour before the start. Young people who are classified in Cambrils is included in the list of selected other castings and take part in a grand final of the World Fashion Faces 2009 will take place on September 19th of 2009 in Lerida at 9 am. Over 250 young people from all over Catalonia. The awards are: - 24 finalists (12 boys and 12 girls) will receive 4 days with accommodation costs, subsistence and training MSM Magda Simo Models since 9th to 12th of October of 2009. - 8 winners (4 boys and 4 girls) cash, a trip to an European capital, a current model of sponsors and prizes - 2 winners (1 boy and 1 girl): participation in 2010 with an international casting costs paid These events of World Fashion Faces 2009 will be broadcast on television this summer from August 10th of 2009.

Tags: costa dorada, cambrils, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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