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La Pineda Playa / News / Art

Cambrils ARCCI and investigate the weight of Jewish influence in the history of the commune

Cambrils ARCCI and investigate the weight of Jewish influence in the history of the commune

Cambrils. Costa Dorada. The Association of Catalunya-Israel Cultural Relations (ARCCI) and Cambrils City Council have signed an agreement that aims to further research and knowledge in the past had a Jewish presence in Cambrils, the coastal town where all manears , the Jewish presence would not have been as significant as in other municipalities of Camp de Tarragona.   Tarragona, Reus, Falset or Aleixar are some cities and municipalities where it has documented the existence of important Jewish communities in the Middle Ages, the Jewish community in Cambrils not have been as large as the data were obtained under the investigations have so far been carried out, they do believe that in Cambrils could have just formed a nucleus of about 10 families. The municipal councilor in Cambrils Oliver Klein has said that the agreement signed with the Association of Catalunya-Israel Cultural Relations (ARCCI) falls in the implementation of the Law of Neighborhoods in the historic center of Cambrils, a project that, besides promoting action planning also promotes the recovery of Historical Memory, in this case applied to medieval times.   For its part, Lascorz Andreu, president of the Association of Catalunya-Israel Cultural Relations (ARCCI) has said that soccer's governing body is aimed, among others, document the Jewish presence in the Tarragona area, so thanked agreements established Cambrils, Tarragona, Reus or Tarragona Provincial Council as they allow to continue the research work on the Jewish presence in the regions of the Camp de Tarragona. He also highlighted Lascorz Andreu, this activity generates a stream of visitors from Jewish communities around the world so as to Israel to the Costa Dorada and in particular to the cities and municicipis with Jewish past as it is common for members of this community will, in general, a strong interest in knowing the places they come from and where their ancestors lived. We must remember, moreover, that in recent years the Priorat region has established itself as another major center for the Jewish community worldwide as some of the Priorat wine kosher wine produced following the process set by the exacting standards Jewish. This wine is then exported throughout the world while Jews around the world visit these wineries for the interest in firsthand the birthplace of kosher wine from the Priorat comes to establishments in their respective countries.

Tags: costa dorada, l'aleixar, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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