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La Pineda Playa / News / Art

Calafell celebrates its tenth edition of the popular Xatonada

Calafell celebrates its tenth edition of the popular Xatonada

Calafell. Costa Dorada. Calafell held Sunday 27 March 2011, the tenth edition of the People Xatonada. The festival, organized by the Tourist Board, the traditional salad spread Penedès, based on endive. But the day on Sunday preceded by the eighth edition of the exhibition xatonaires children, an initiative that helps to convey the local culinary culture to the younger generation. 470 students of third and fourth primary have participated in recent days in preparation for practical classes xató. They belong in schools Calafell Castle, Holy Cross, and Jacint Verdaguer. The lessons were taught with the collaboration of the group of seniors "Put oil in it." According to today reminded the deputy mayor of Tourism in Calafell, Angel Verge, "generational continuity is essential to ensure the survival of customs and traditions, which in turn is the foundation of a reality in terms of economic activity" . As for the festival will be held at the Plaza Port Calafell. Xató begin to be served from 11 am. The Municipal Tourism 1000 will go on sale xató rations, which are prepared by restaurants calafellencs Former Budget, A Can Pilis, Casa Pedro, Eusebio, Latitude 41, Mediterranean and Milan Il Ristorante Da Marco. The price of the ticket is 7 euros, which includes the portion of xató, bread and wine from Penedes. At 12, children begin exhibiting xatonaires (at the end, every child participant will be given a certificate of recognition). As a parallel activity, there will be a small food fair Artisan, by the collective "The small craft" and different craftsmen Calafell. At the fair you can buy products typically Catalan sausages as the Plain of Vic, Perafita cakes or cheese and honey Plan Pond, among others. Also carried out for the second time, a meeting for exchange of bottlecaps.  

Tags: costa dorada, calafell, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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