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La Pineda Playa / Information / Discover and sightseeing

De Sant Joan del Codolar a Albarca

Les Borges del Camp
De Sant Joan del Codolar a Albarca

Partial tour by the former cami dels Cartoixans, yellow or linking Albarca with Scaladei. The route is very beautiful and the tour has corners where there is good and beautiful views of the Priory and the eastern sector of the Natural Park of Sierra de Montsant. Must be placed in the chapel of St. Joan del Codolar  to a paved path that leaves Cornudella del  Montsant passing by the cemetery (3.5 km). Cornudella is at the bottom of the C-242 (Granadella-Borges del Camp, where people linked to the N-420, which is aimed at Falset). The trail runs between the church and the rocks and follow the prompt to find Albarca. The walk is not lost, since all the way, yellow is marked as GR-174, with red and white stripes. It follows always the same height in a very gentle slope until, in less than 1 h, reached Albarca. To return to the starting point is rolled the road.   Landmarks Albarca Natural Park Sierra de Montsant Chapel of St. John Codolar Region: Priorat Distance: 7.8 km Climb Slope: 190.0 m Descent Altitude: 190.0 m Signage: Yes Duration: 1 hr 45 min Topics: Nature | Culture                                              View hotels here                                         View restaurants here Criteria for use of routes Source: Government of Catalonia. Directorate General of Tourism. Date of Update: 24/03/2006

Tags: costa dorada, les borges del camp, visit salou, visit cambrils, visit tarragona, visit reus, visit la pineda playa
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